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Poster Design: A Guide To Make It a Perfect Advertising Tool

Poster design 

A poster is something you might be seeing and made since your childhood. It’s one of the most underrated yet powerful forms of marketing collateral.

It’s the oldest, tried, and tested way to get the word out about your sales, events, fundraisers, and other activities.  

Whether you’re launching your new business, announcing a campaign, or simply marketing a new product/offer, you need a lot more than just a glossy sheet poster.

The true SuperPower of a successfully designed poster is–once it hits the right mark, it can provoke and inspire hundreds of audiences.

What exactly do you need to achieve that correct mark? The bets are on pro designers like SuperHeroes Of Web. It’s always a designer’s job to ensure you’re not disappointed. 

But being a brand owner, you need to understand the basic aesthetics of poster design for optimizing it at its best. Everything from scratch!

But before we dive into making an idle poster let’s get you familiarize with – how a poster can change your marketing game.

Importance of a well-designed Poster
1. Posters ads boost visibility:

One of the most prominent features of a poster is its infographics. They are easy to view and understand. 

What gives a poster edge over other advertising media? Pictorial messages.  

A well-designed poster with a distinctive yet captivating picture can instantly improve your company’s visibility.

2. Versatile:

Posters are one of the most versatile agents of the advertising world. The blank canvas offers infinite options for design, exciting fonts, stunning visuals, and upbeat text. This amalgamation of versatility and creativity provides your company with massive traffic, thus enabling you to reach your target audience.

3. A captive audience:

From shopping malls, public spaces, restrooms, elevators, escalators, and eating areas to high foot traffic outside public restrooms– there are infinite ideal locations for posters to go up and capture the captive audience.

How does this help you? 

Imagine the amount of captive audience it reaches for you at a single glance. Thus, leaving your brand permanently in their mind.

4. Not just your regular social media ad:

No doubt! Posters can create a buzz around your social media channels– Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Thus, increasing the visibility with a well-thought-out strategy of intrigue. 

Even serve as an excellent way for people to connect with your company right away. Making a big difference for your brand image and reachability. 

With the addition of the QR code facility, the poster has become a lot more interactive. Thus, helping you to drive more traffic to your social media, landing pages, etc. 

All in all, you need to have an eye-catchy poster, and you are sorted. Customers instantly take pictures and share them on social media. Thus, making your poster campaign a resounding success!

That’s the true power of a poster and your social media.

5. A powerful medium:

They can elicit a quick reaction from customers. With powerful visual imagery demanding attention, a successful poster may arouse empathy, connecting your organization to the hearts and minds of customers. 

Important elements to be inculcated in the poster:
  • Simple and clear layout for your reader to know where to find the information.
  • Include all important information– date, time, location, contact name, and telephone number.
  • Inculcate prominent components – a headline or image. Instantly catching your audience’s mind.
  • Highlight the most crucial offer/message via size, color or value.
  • Include art with respect to the message.
  • Words and images are arranged in a much more logical and functional sequence.

It does not matter how dependable and authentic a poster can be for your advertising. There will be no point in publishing if not appropriately designed. You can either leave this job to the trained designers at SuperHeroes Of Web or still give it a try by following the guidelines underneath.

Tips to design a poster from scratch
1. Identify the purpose of your poster

A poster without purpose is like a SuperHero without its mission. Thus, it is very important to align your purpose with the information you plan to share with your target audience. 

Do you want to share your new launch? Inform them about an upcoming offer? These are the primary purposes of a poster that guides you with what goes in and how. 

All you need is – before you start from scratch, to keep in mind your significant goals to level up your design decisions.

It’s no rocket science to understand – simplicity in the poster always prevails in written communication. Thus, always keep your purpose in mind while going in for your poster design.

2. Look out for your target audience

 The next important thing that comes up is – who you are targeting. This will create a massive impact on the choices of your poster design. The answer to this question will undoubtedly influence a lot of your design decisions.

For example, with a younger generation’s target audience, the color scheme tends to shift to vibrant colors and bold typefaces. While if you target a much more mature and settled age group– subtle and calm colors will be the choice. 

So, before you slide in with your final design of the poster, make sure you know exactly who you are aiming for.

Don’t forget; you can create many posters to cater to different client personalities.

So you don’t have to limit yourself to one for every type of customer!

3. Choose your distribution channel  

Apart from the target audience, your distribution channel holds a prominent space in deciding the aesthetics of your poster. 

Decide whether you want to print it or display it on your wall. Or post it up on social media.

How will it help?

This will enable you to optimize your poster as per your usage. A poster going up for print differs from a poster meant for Twitter or Facebook.

Going to hang it up on the wall? Make it bigger, so it stands out or makes a larger footprint by pinning smaller ones together. 

Making for social media? It’s time to have some fun with your design. Just make sure to abide by the right size for the platform. 

Note: For mobile browsing– always go for a square or portrait structure. People scroll more up and down than side to side on their devices.  

Now, you can easily get responsive posters that instantly adapt to your audience’s screen. Experts at The Dreamer Designs can expertly curate the same for you.

4. Get handy with some pre-made poster template  

Getting into something new– unplanned and untrained can be petrifying. The same can happen when you think of designing your poster without any knowledge. 

What to do then?

At this point, a poster template will give you a good kick start to start your design. 

The best template will be the one that aids in the communication and accelerates the purpose of your poster. 

5. Go as per suitable or exactly like the brand color scheme

What’s the first thing that attracts an audience’s eye? Colour Scheme. The first thing that someone notices about your poster.

Follow your gut and let the creativity flow– don’t overthink it!

Still don’t wanna take the risk? You can always go with your firm’s logo color palette while designing the poster.

6. Always include a clear call-to-action

Getting someone’s attention is not enough. You should be clear about what’s the purpose. Always make it clear what their next steps are, i.e., Call-To-Action (CTA).

It is very important to inculcate (CTA) on every poster, regardless of topic or format. 

Ufcrse, there must be some promotions or sales/offers to give or why else you will be making the poster. 

Remember, don’t emphasize yourself too much on your CTA, especially if the poster is directing people to a website.

7. Play with fonts to manage the chronology of the information

It’s always advisable to include the information as per the purpose of your poster. It will either kill the deal or make a big deal! 

For example: Going for an event poster? Include the content as follow:

  1. Name of the event
  2. Timings of the event.
  3. A brief yet attractive description of the event.
  4. The venue of your event 
  5. A straightforward call to action
  6. Your firm’s name 


8. Add a visual appeal with icons

Add some concept and edge to your poster with icons. They are a great way to add some flair.


Not only do they enhance points, but in some situations, they act as a substitute for text. 

But to fully optimize the purpose of icons, it’s essential to choose and correctly place them.

  • Choose icons that have a consistent look and feel 
  • Allow for plenty of white space 
  • Use icons in a way that your designs can breathe
  • Make your icons stand out with a simple border or backdrop shape.
  • Using as a substitute for text, make sure the meaning is clear.
9. Keep in mind the resolution of images & stock photos

High-resolution photos come in handy when you wish to print or enlarge the poster. Even the slightest pixelation or blurriness can be an eyesore for your audience, turning out to be a disaster for your campaign!

It does not matter if it’s a stock photo or clicked by you. It should be crisp and clear. Always go for a professional stock photo rather than fussing over the personal click.

If you get done poster design with SuperHeroes Of Web then you have got this covered. These images are expensive at times and engaging with an agency having a subscription to stock websites can help you save a lot of costs.


Since the advent of the advertising world, posters are meant to catch the attention of the captive audience. With that in mind, a few things contribute to a successful poster. First, of course, visual appeal is the most crucial factor. 

Apart from it, focus on its readability and understandability. It should make maximum creative use of any white space. If designed and used correctly, posters can be a great way to achieve your promotion and sales target.

For that, you will find a need for an expert’s guidance. So why not go for the best! SuperHeroes Of Web is an exclusive creative design studio to create exceptional designs solutions for you.